NOTE: This LIVE class starts on TONIGHT at 8:00 PM EST (Spots are filling up quickly!)

Attention: Future voice over pro. Now is your chance to have the opportunity to tap into a highly profitable (yet often overlooked) niche in voice over…

This untapped niche can potentially start putting…

Monthly Direct Deposits of $700 to $3,500 into Your Bank Account for a Few Minutes of Voice Over Work Daily!

Say Goodbye To Consistently Chasing, Grinding, And Hustling For Your Next Voice Over Paycheck; Instead, Get Paid Monthly Retainers For Ongoing Work.

YES, it’s possible to get paid automatically each month, with clients consistently sending you a few minutes of voice over work daily.


Waking up in the morning, strolling into your voice over studio, and having multiple projects waiting for you.

  • Say goodbye to stress, anxiety, and uncertainty about where your next voice over job is coming from.

  • No more hustling, grinding, and chasing people online to hire you for their next voice over project.

  • Forget about relying on pay-to-play sites and not knowing when your next voice over job will show up.


You now have consistent voice over work coming to you on a daily basis automatically.

The reason for your new success and pay raise is because…

You’ve tapped into a new niche, and revenue stream for your voice over business called… 

TV and Radio Imaging.

The beauty of this untapped voice over niche is that it provides you with consistent and daily work, so you don’t have to chase business anymore.

These companies put you on a monthly retainer and just send over the projects they need to be completed.

The best part is these voice over projects are only a few minutes.

So, they practically take you no time at all to complete.

If you’d like to add an additional revenue stream to your existing voice over business, keep reading because…

This Untapped ‘TV and Radio Imaging’ Niche Can Start Sending You Automatic Money! 

Bill DeWees

Top Voice Over Professional

RE: Special February offer for the next 50 voice over artists.
Today's Date: Monday, February 17, 2025

Dear future Voice Over Pro!

Hey, it’s Bill DeWees.

I’m excited about our new training because we’re exploring the untapped niche of TV and Radio Imaging.

This specialized area of voice over is unique and can be profitable.
Now, you might be wondering…

What is TV and Radio Imaging?

Great question…

Imaging is providing the voice for the “image” of a Radio or TV station.

The ‘local’ radio and TV stations are called “affiliates.”

There are also different types of affiliate imaging.

Such as…

Investigative, Opens, Contents, News Image, Medial, Weather, Pop, and Sports.


This is just the start of this
untapped opportunity.

There are also different types of radio station imaging.


News radio, Adult Contemporary, Country, Urban, Hip Hop, Rock/Classic Rock, Talk, Sports, Dance, and Classical.

There are different types of markets and pricing which we’ll get into on the live training.

Understand this is a big opportunity…

There are around 3,000 TV stations and 25,000 radio stations.

This means the window of opportunity is now open.

Keep in mind it won’t stay open for long, so…

Now is the time for you to
tap into TV and Radio Imaging!

It gets even better...

These companies will pay you a monthly retainer.

The monthly retainer is based on the markets for the local affiliates.

These can range anywhere from $700.00 to $3,500.00 per month for each affiliate.

The monthly retainer fee is also based on TV or Radio.

Keep in mind, this February offer to get this training is only good for the next 50 voice over artists.

Oh, I almost forgot…

The voice over work for these types of affiliates is mostly short voice over projects which are a few minutes of work.

So, let me give you a quick example…

If you were to average $1,231.25 per affiliate retainer and you booked 4 TV and 4 Radio affiliates to provide voice over services for monthly. 

You’re looking at $9,850.00 per month in revenue…

Direct deposited into your
bank account every 30 days.

That’s an EXTRA $118,000.00 per year in automatic income!

I say automatic, because contracts with the affiliate network, can run for 12 months or longer.

Again, we’ll dive deep into all the details of this in the training.

Now, I want to make something clear… 

I’m not saying you’ll take this training and make this amount of money instantly.

I have no idea of your work ethic and if you’ll follow the steps.

This model takes energy, effort, and determination on your part to make a full-time income.

This is NOT a get-rich-quick type of program.

The good news is…

You get to decide how much voice over work you want to take on.

Now, there’s no glass ceiling on your voice over income.

Here’s what’s great…

You can add this untapped niche to what you’re currently doing in your voice over business.

So, it’s not one or the other, it’s BOTH!

Think of it as adding a new revenue stream to your bank account in addition to what you’re currently doing.


I want to introduce you to an expert in TV and Radio Imaging, and your teacher for this training.

Meet Aaron Bradley…

One of America’s Top Imaging Voice Actors!

Aaron Bradley

Top Imaging Voice Actors

Aaron began his voice over career in 1999 and has been working in TV and Radio Imaging since 2010.

Aaron was also the former news and weather anchor for FOX, NBC, and CBS TV Affiliates in Miami and Philadelphia.

When it comes to teaching TV and Radio Imaging there is no one better in my opinion than Aaron.

The reason for this is simply because he does this daily.

In fact...

Aaron continues to perfect his system on a daily bases, by dialing in what's working now.

He walks the walk and...

Right now he has 11 TV affiliate and 10 Radio opportunities under contract as of this year.

This earns him a multiple six-figure income from TV and Radio Imaging, so he knows the ins and outs of this untapped niche like no one else on the planet.

And, when you grab this before...

The Next 50 Voice Over Artists in February, 2025!

He will share with us his entire system for breaking into TV and Radio Imaging.

You’re going to love this because… 

Once you complete this training, you’ll have the skillset, knowledge, and insights to add this as another revenue stream to your voice over business.

This training is your fast track toward becoming a TV and Radio Imaging professional.

Introducing our new training…

 There are only 100 spots available!

We’re only accepting 100 attendees because I’ll be doing a questions and answers section at the end of this training.

This way, I can personally answer any questions regarding the training.

Now, you can walk away knowing the next steps to take in your voice-over business.

So you can make 2023 your best year in your voice-over business.


Imaging 101: Becoming A TV and Radio Station Voice!

In this training… 

You’ll discover the basics of how to become a TV and Radio station voice, regardless of what you sound like.

Here’s what Aaron will cover in this 90-minute training…

  • What is TV and Radio Imaging and why now is one of the biggest opportunities to dive into this untapped niche?

  • TV Affiliate Imaging Insights: Why you want to add this as an extra revenue stream to your existing voice over business.

  • Radio Affiliate Imaging Insights: Why should you add this additional revenue stream to your existing voice over business, too.

  • Different Markets: You’ll discover the different types of markets for Imaging, including the most profitable markets to target, so you’re able to maximize your monthly retainer contracts.

  • TV and Radio Rates: What you need to know to get paid properly. Each affiliate pays a different amount, and one pays only half of what the other pays.

  • TV Affiliate Voice Over Rate Sheet: Here you’ll see all the insights on the US TV Markets and their monthly retainer ranges, so you know who to target based on your income goals.

  • How to become an expert negotiator and be your own TV affiliate voice over agent, so you’re always informed and in control of your contracts.

  • Learning the going rates: You’ll see how to always know the latest going rates, so you’re able to negotiate from a place of power.

  • You’ll learn all about market size and something called DMA. Knowing this gives you an advantage when negotiating with the TV and Radio affiliates.

  • How to do your research based on station ratings. This is what separates the newbie from the professional. You’ll see exactly how to research these station ratings so you’re viewed as a voice over pro when negotiating your monthly retainer.

  • How to be the voice of your local affiliate so you’re heard by your friends and family on the TV and Radio.

  • The secret to you getting in front of the big three stations, ABC, CBS, and NBC. The reason you’ll want to do this is because these big three pay more.

  • You’ll learn about an IPA, a type of contract between you and the affiliate. I’ll explain everything in simple terms so you have a complete understanding of how it works.

  • We’ll look at how long different types of contracts are for, and what to make sure is in yours so you have a clear exit strategy.

  • The 5 Things your contract must have so you don’t get taken advantage of and left out in the cold.

  • Secrets to negotiation for TV and Radio stations: I’ll share all my strategies, tips, and insights into negotiating with them so you can have the upper hand.

  • What TV and Radio affiliates expect from you, and how you can overdeliver and secure your spot with them for along time.

  • How to develop your own technique so you’re able to differentiate yourself from the competition and stand out.

  • Becoming your own director: This way each piece of voice over work you produce for your clients is exactly what they’re looking for.

  • You’ll see exactly how to find TV and Radio Imaging work, so you know who to look for, who to contact, and what to send to get their attention.

  • Making LinkedIn work for you. Here you’ll get my system for taking proactive steps using LinkedIn. This alone is worth the entire price of this training.

  • Creating an extra full-time revenue stream for your voice over business. You’ll see how this system allows you to add as many new TV and Radio affiliates as you want, so you control your income.

Plus, much more.

Now, because this is an exclusive training, there’s…

This Offer is Only Good for the Next 50 Voice Over Artists in February, 2025!

Now, you might be wondering…

What’s the price to attend this training ?

The retail price is $499.00.

Because we're running this special February offer, the next 50 voice over artists who grab this will get a special price.

Your price is only $397!

Plus, when you grab your spot now, you’re also getting…

Special Bonus Training #1 (a $147.00 value.)

Imaging 101: Using E-mail, E-mail Templates and LinkedIn

In this training, we'll discuss the importance of email templates and how to effectively use them to reach hiring managers in the TV and Radio Imaging industry.

  • Tips on finding email addresses and avoiding spam detection when sending bulk emails. 

  • The Importance of Email Templates. You’ll see how to create a template that effectively showcases your voice acting skills and draws traffic to your website to hear your demos.

  • Do this one thing when sending your demos via email. This will ensure that your email is not detected as spam and provide easy access to your voice acting samples.

Plus, much more.

This training is a $147.00 value, and it’s yours FREE when you get this right now.

Wait, there’s still more…

You’re also getting a second bonus when you act immediately.

It’s called…

Special Bonus Training #2 (a $147.00 value.)

Using Your DAW and FTP
for Imaging!

When it comes to the digital audio workstation (DAW), there are some drastic differences between TV affiliate and radio imaging voiceover. 

In this training, we’ll take a closer look at the process and how to optimize your voice over for each platform.

You’ll discover:

  • Utilizing a digital audio workstation (DAW) such as Twisted Wave for recording and editing voice over for both TV affiliate and radio imaging work.

  • How to collaborate with an audio engineer to set up the DAW and audio interface for specific voice over requirements, such as compression and vocal range adjustments so you enhance the quality of your voice.

  • How to utilize file transfer methods such as FTP or cloud storage services like Google Drive to deliver the final voice over to TV and radio stations.

Plus, much more.

Here’s why this training is important…

Mastering the art of voice over for TV and Radio imaging involves a deep understanding of the technical aspects, vocal range, and optimization techniques for each platform. 

By analyzing the copy, applying the right effects, and collaborating with audio engineers, voice over artists like you can deliver high-quality voice over content that aligns with the branding and style of TV and radio stations.

You’ll see exactly how to do this in this training.

So, let’s get you started because…

Here’s a quick recap of everything you’re getting…

 Access to Imaging 101: Becoming A TV and Radio Station Voice! (a $499.00 value.)

 30 minutes Q&A session (a $197.00 value.)

 Special Bonus #1: Imaging 101: Using E-mail, E-mail Templates, and LinkedIn (a $147.00 value.)

 Special Bonus #2: Using your DAW and FTP for Imaging (a $147.00 value.)

A total value of $990.00

You’re getting over 60% OFF this special offer at only $397!

Grabbing this offer right now SAVES YOU $593.00

Again, this February offer is only good for the next 50 voice over artist who take action, so make the decision right now to add a new revenue stream (TV and Radio Imaging) to your voice over business.

Simply enter your information below in our safe and secure order form.

Fill in the form below to start…

 YES Bill! - I'm ready to tap into this untapped niche of TV and Radio Imagining, so I can add an extra revenue stream to my voice over business.

Billing Information
No products available

Here's what you're getting instant access to...

 Access to Imaging 101: Becoming A TV and Radio Station Voice! (a $499.00 value.)

 30 minutes Q&A session (a $197.00 value.)

 Special Bonus #1: Imaging 101: Using E-mail, E-mail Templates, and LinkedIn (a $147.00 value.)

 Special Bonus #2: Using your DAW and FTP for Imaging (a $147.00 value.)

This is a total value of $990.00

Retail price: $399.00

Your Right Now Price is...

Only $397!

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 Business Hours

Monday - Friday 

9:00am - 6:00pm CST.

 Need Help Ordering?

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